Armont Couredault

Ex-Soldier ll Mercenary ll Bastard Born

Physical Appearance

A winter's chill. It's most likely the first descriptor that comes to mind when taking in this elezen man at a glance. From that rigid gait he walks in, so obviously bearing the tell-tale signs of a memorized marching cadence, to the apathetic golden gaze that holds naught but a thousand-yalm stare, the evidence of one such as he being an ex-soldier is quite difficult to miss - especially given the Ishgardian made halberd that is near always strapped to his back. Were one to make an educated guess, it is most likely that he is a veteran of the Dragonsong war.Perhaps this lends explanation to the scarring that runs diagonally from his cheek, clawlike in nature, only to disappear beneath the neck - connecting to what looks to be a series of scars that truly never seem to end. Were he to be seen without his armor, the decently aged elezen not only sported a soldier's build, but was absolutely covered in tattoos. Motifs of dragons, skulls, words and letterings that made little-to-no-sense lest they be versed in a certain occultist tongue, there were also floral motifs that intertwined and connected most of which could be seen. Most notable of these being periwinkle and blue hyacinth - Though while weaving this imagery together held meaning all their own. Upon his right forearm, there are the remnants of what was once a compass, now torn through with what looks to be self-inflicted nail marks, scarring through and healed over.A closer observation would see that these tattoos made attempts to hide that which could not truly be hidden, for no amount of ink can rid the body of scarring that has healed over, and over, and over again.Ink black hair, with a spash of gray, is either pulled back into a tight knot at the back of his head - or it's cut short. Either way, the man has a penchant for keeping his hair from his face, though understandable given the force of habit over the years. Similarly, what facial hair he does sport is kept neat, clean and tidy.A man who has seemingly spent a decent amount of time outdoors, he's about as tan as one could be given the circumstances of his upbringing and years in youth.If seen in combat, he is noted to be particularly ruthless, especially when it comes to aerial and melee combat. Known to take things to the brink of what may be morally acceptable, Armont is has also been noted by his comrades to display intense loyalty to those he considers such and will ensure their safety and arrival back to the Iron Wolves HQ - even if that means pissing them off in the process.


LocationData Center: Crystal
Server: Balming
Basics✮ Age: 39
✮ Alignment: True Neutral
✮ Height: Tall
✮Family: Shi'anla Radusk (Younger half-sister ll Player Main)
✮ Orientation: Bisexual
✮ Partner(s): --
✮ Race: Ishgardian Elezen
✮ Sex: Male
Profession✮ Ex-Soldier ll Unit Commander for the Temple Knights
✮ Mercenary For Hire
Hobbies✮ Gardening
✮ Pianist


✮ Armont is an ex-soldier who participated in the Dragonsong War. While it is unreasonable he would have known everyone in his time there, he may have known your character. If you're interested in that sort of angle, just shoot me a DM.✮ This character has aether that is a bit off the longer you look at it with aethersense. (Please DM me if you want to use this hook).✮ He is seen from time to time accompanying his half-sister from City-State to City-State as she plasters posters on Guild Boards for the recruitment of the The Iron Wolves.

OOC Notations✮ Thank you for taking the time to read this Carrd. Please DNI if you are under the age of 18, as many themes revolving around this character is suited for adult audiences only.✮ I do not ERP with randoms, sorry. I barely ERP at all.Types of RP I partake inAction/Adventure RP: Main bread and butter of the RP for this character. He thrives in combat scenarios.Horror/Thriller RP: While this is the secondary favorite for my preferred RP, I want to emphasize that anything taking place in this scenario requires effective and open communication so that boundaries can be set in place and respected.Romance RP: This is not something this character particularly caters to, and if he does, it will happen organically. What's more, he is an alt - I cannot commit the time ll resources as I would on my main. A good bit of development in writing with him is usually done in a discord setting.Walk-up ll In-General RP Boundaries✮ will rp with most anyone that I come in contact with, pending it makes sense for my character to interact - however if you are doing something that I consider God Modding, I will not interact with you. Character agency is important.✮ The same thing can be said for meta-gaming over the course of RP that takes place. If you know something about my character OOC, you do not know it IC unless you have my permission to do so.✮ Please understand that IC =/= OOC and in character actions will yield in character responses, but can certainly chat with me ooc about the things going on as I generally attempt to make sure people are good no matter the type of scene taking place.✮ I am not, by any means, an instant gratification RP-er. If you want to get anywhere beyond the stone face that is Armont, you will have to rp with him regularly. His walls are much higher than his half-sister's.

Media Gallery

Artwork: LesleyLycan

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